Michaela Schnell
About me
I am a first-year MS student advised by Dr. Marta Codeço and Dr Mark Barton. Previously, as an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, I studied the magmatic evolution of layered mafic intrusions and used geochemical data to analyze and model the role of liquid immiscibility and the relationship to A-type granites that overly LMIs like the Skaergaard, Sept Iles, and Bushveld intrusions. I also participated in research with the department of Mathematics studying information and coding theory in adversarial multiple access channels.
Currently, I am serving as the president of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) student chapter at the University of Arizona, where I look forward to organizing field trips and events for graduate students.
2024 – BS in Geosciences, minor in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Project Description
Supervised by: Dr. Mark Barton and Dr. Marta Codeço
As a master’s student at the University of Arizona, my thesis project focuses on characterizing and comparing the alteration mineralogy and base metal assemblages in volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Arizona, including the Bruce ore body in the Eureka Mining district. I hope to gain insights on a variety of ore controls including stratigraphy, folding, and igneous activity.