Jennifer Weiss
About Me
I am a geologist and art historian currently pursuing a double Master's here at U ofA. I am also the laboratory coordinator for the Lowell Program for Economic Geology, and I manage the lab spaces and equipment, safety training, and the ore deposits collections. I love mineral collecting, hiking, and baking (gluten-free goodies only!).
2022 - BS, Geosciences with Honors BA, Art History with Honors, Museum Studies Concentration, Magna Cum Laude, James Madison University
Project Description
Supervisor: Dr. Mark Barton
Title: "Characterizing the Igneous Bodies of the Freeport Mc-MoRan Morenci Mine" (working title)
This project will investigate the petrology of the igneous rocks in the Morenci district focusing on their petrographic and geochemical characteristics, their relative timing, and their relationship to ore-forming hydrothermal features. The main objectives of this study are to characterize the phases present in the deposit, identify major features and relationships within the igneous rocks, and construct a story of the magmatism that created Morenci.