
The Lowell Program in Economic Geology (or LPEG) spans education and research on applying all branches of geology to mineral resources. Applications range from policy to the mining life cycle (exploration, development, production, closure) to the basic study of ore bodies and the geologic systems that generate them.

LPEG education opportunities are at all levels, from undergraduate through graduate (MS, PSM, PhD) to professional. Master's programs, including the Professional Science Master's in Economic Geology (PSM/EG), are 30 credit hours and can be completed 2 semesters.  Certificate programs are 12 credit hours and can transfer into the Master’s programs.  Short courses and field courses can be taken for credit or for non-credit. The short courses are typically 15 hours on a Friday and Saturday. Field courses, which may also include lecture and laboratory activities, are typically 10-day long and involve travel to locations around the western U.S.  

The Lowell Program in Economic Geology was generously endowed by a gift from J. David Lowell to the University of Arizona in 2000. The original intent was to provide additional education and training for geologists who want to further their careers in the exploration and mining industry. It has come to include all the mineral resource-related education and research programs in the Department of Geosciences. Subsequent endowment of the Lundin Family Chair in Economic Geology in 2020 and support from the School of Mining and Mineral Resources since 2022 have helped grow the program.

Choose a program that fits your background and interests. Click the links for details about that particular program.

Professional Science Masters in Economic Geology (PSM/EG)

Master of Engineering in Mining, Geological and Geophysical Engineering

Graduate Certificates in:

            Geomechanics/Rock mechanics 
            Mine Production and Information Technology
            Mining Occupational Safety and Health
            Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

LPEG Ten-Day Economic Geology Courses

           Ore Deposits Mapping
           Topics in Mineral Deposit Types
           Structural Geology for Exploration and Mine Geologists

Integrated Planning Series

           Geological, Metallurgical, and Mine Engineering Inputs to
           Integrated Planning

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